The 2012 [HPC]3 workshop is focused on bringing together experts in hyperbolic PDE solvers, wave propagation applications, scientific software development, high performance computing, visualization, and Python programming, in order to share knowledge, create software tools, and build new collaborations. The workshop is sponsored in part by KAUST's office of competitive research funding.

The workshop will take place February 4-8. Similar to last year, the first two days will be largely devoted to lectures and tutorials while the final three days will be devoted to project development work in small teams. Participants will collaboratively implement new algorithms, features and functionality in the PyClaw software framework and apply the solvers in PyClaw to a variety of problems of global scientific impact. The projects will be centered around the workshop themes:


  • Adaptive mesh refinement
  • Visualization of wave propagation simulations
  • Implicit methods in wave propagation
  • Wave propagation methods on GPUs
  • Geophysical wave applications

Keynote Speakers

  • Randall LeVeque
    Founders Term Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington
  • Hans Petter Langtangen
    Director, Center for Biomedical Computing, Simula Research Laboratory
    Professor of Mathematical Modeling, Dept. of Informatics, Univ. of Oslo
  • David Keyes
    Dean, Division of Mathematical and Computer Sciences and Engineering, KAUST
  • Ridgway Scott
    Louis Block Professor of Computer Science and of Mathematics, University of Chicago

Organizing Committee

  • David Ketcheson, Assistant Professor, Division of Mathematical and Computer Sciences & Engineering, KAUST
  • Aron Ahmadia, Research Scientist, Center for Extreme Computing, KAUST
  • Randall LeVeque, Founders Term Professor of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington
  • Kyle Mandli, ICES Postdoctoral Fellow, UT-Austin
  • Jennifer Boyd, Associate Program Coordinator, KAUST OCRF

Program Committee

  • Donna Calhoun, Boise State University
  • George Turkiyyah, American University of Beirut
  • Chris Kees, US Army Corps of Engineers
  • Matteo Parsani, KAUST
  • Jed Brown, Argonne
  • James Rossmanith, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Bruce D'Amora, IBM Watson Research Center
  • Matthew Emmett, Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill


All lectures will take place in KAUST's al-Haytham auditorium, which is down the steps between buildings 2 and 3.
The tutorials and working group sessions will take place in the KAUST Library.

© 2011 Aron Ahmadia and David Ketcheson
Site design based on a template from Andreas Viklund